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Portfolio: Midcoast Junior Golf Association              Back to Portfolio

Opening Page at MCJGA.COM

Form-based web administration - no HTML code needed!

Update photos on the fly - no code, no FTP'ing

Upload Tournament results - no FTP'ing - point & click only

Update site news - no HTML code needed - point & click

Midcoast Junior Golf Association (MCJGA)

MCJGA came to Pelican after seeing the work that we did with the Rockland Golf Course. The organization was having a hard time keeping their website updated with content from year to year and also wanted to be able to post results of tournaments and their raffle credit system instantly as well as the ability to post photos from the matches.

After looking at the current site and talking with the principals at MCJGA, we proposed a system which would make their site dynamic (built on the fly from a backend database) and updatable by people within the organization without having to know any HTML code.

With the appropriate logon credentials, MCJGA staff can login over the internet and update the site instantaneously without having to pay for a web designer to do it for them. From photos and news to tournament results and tournament schedules, the staff can update the site with a few simple clicks of the mouse without having to know any web code (HTML).

Because MCJGA is a non-for-profit organization, budget was a concern, but Pelican Consulting worked with the organization to balance functionality versus cost. The site receives a budget each year and new functionality is worked in each year to make even more parts of the site dynamic.


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